Evaluation in philosophy in the perspective of equality and emancipation: “will”, “attention”, and “search”
Equality, Emancipation, Evaluation.Abstract
Being a product of the research conducted at the Professional Masters Program in Philosophy (PROF-FILO), Sector of the State University of Rio Grande do Norte (UERN), the article aims at presenting the theoretical-philosophical part of the work and the results of the educative-philosophical intervention which took place at the State School Teacher Calpúrnia Caldas de Amorim (EECCAM). We employ as main theoretical framework J. Rancière’s The Ignorant Schoolmaster. Although considering the teaching experience of the researcher and pedagogical perspectives (HOFFMANN, 2009; 2010; LUCKESI, 2010; 2011), the subject’s philosophical approach demanded directing the enquiry toward a starting question “What is philosophy?”, for the didactical and methodological choices, the contents and approaches to the teaching-and-learning of philosophy are entailed by and must be connected to the possible and subjective answers that the teacher of philosophy offers to that initial question (BOAVIDA, 1996; CERLETTI, 2003; 2009; TOMAZETTI, 2014). The methodologies employed were the bibliographical, involving the analysis of the main source and secondary ones, and, for the educative-philosophical intervention, the qualitative kind, adopting a research-action approach (LAVILLE, 1999; SEVERINO, 2007; GHEDIN; FRANCO, 2011; MINAYO, 2012). It was possible to verify, in the philosophical-educative intervention, that beyond understanding the ideas contained in The Ignorant Schoolmaster, the participants could learn about teaching, learning, and the evaluation of philosophy in high school; they could also learn about the roles of teachers and students, the main characters of educative action; and, above all, the educative-philosophical intervention allowed the participants of the research, each one in his/her own measure, to recognize some aspects of their own intellectual capacities.Downloads
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