A corpus study of negation and their disruptive patterns in political discourse




Palabras clave:

Negation, Inaugural political speech, Lexicogrammatical disruptions


This paper reports the results of a quantitative study on the patterns of negation and their intersections with lexicogrammatical systems in political discourse. The corpus, made up of the 45 inaugural speeches delivered by US presidents (122,848 words), was semiautomatically tagged following the theoretical framework of systemic functional linguistics. Results show that the frequency of negation in this register is higher than that in the overall pattern of English. Besides, a recurrent interplay between negation and concession and some discoursal disruptions have been found to be statistically significant. Among them, outstand the intersections of negative polarity and modality, and no-negation and existential processes.


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Biografía del autor/a

Jose Manuel Duran, Universidad de Belgrano

Universidad de Belgrano, School of Languages & Foreign Studies, Master in English Language & Translation


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Cómo citar

Duran, J. M. (2018). A corpus study of negation and their disruptive patterns in political discourse. Letras, (56), 15–41. https://doi.org/10.5902/2176148531175