On languages and the speaker: Benveniste from the perspective of decolonial efforts
Émile Benveniste’s language theory, Decolonial efforts, Linguistics universals and particulars, Anthropology of enunciation, SpeakerAbstract
In this article, we aim to examine aspects of Émile Benveniste’s language theory from the perspective of decolonial studies. Firstly, we present Mignolo’s (2021) use of the formal apparatus of enunciation in his critique of zero point epistemology. Secondly, we present “The Nominal Sentence” (1950) and “The Linguistics Functions of ‘To Be’ and ‘To Have’” (1960). In these articles, we interpret as decolonial efforts (Andreotti et al., 2015) the emphasis given by Benveniste to the diversity of languages, which are used to question as linguistic universals and particulars, and the condition of the linguist as a speaker, as pointed out in the anthropology of enunciation by Flores (2015, 2019).
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