Pedagogical strategies for the effective use of automatic translation for reading comprehension in English for academic purposes




English for academic purposes, Reading strategy, Automatic translator, Pedagogical tool, Reading comprehension


Reading in additional languages, especially English, is a requirement for Brazilian graduate students in masters and PhD programs. In English for Academic Purposes courses, reading is taught through linguistic aspects and reading strategies. This paper presents a study based on the use of automatic translation (AT), more specifically Google Translate (GT) as a pedagogical tool in the context of CALL (Computer-Assisted Language Learning), focused on teaching strategies that aim to solve the difficulties of reading English in this context. The results demonstrate that the pedagogical use of the automatic translator through an explicit instruction improves reading comprehension in English for academic purposes, as well as promotes greater awareness among students about the AT functioning, which implies a more autonomous, critical and effective tool use.


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2022-12-21 — Updated on 2023-01-09


How to Cite

Borsatti, D. A., & Gabriel, R. (2023). Pedagogical strategies for the effective use of automatic translation for reading comprehension in English for academic purposes. Letras, 142–160. (Original work published December 21, 2022)