From the “Article 200” to “The Abortion”: a naturalist novel’s trajectory




Figueiredo Pimentel, The abortion, Naturalist novel, Journalism


This essay studies the trajectory of the naturalist novel The abortion, by Brazilian writer Alberto Figueiredo Pimentel, starting with its first appearance as a feuilleton at Niterói’s newspaper Provincia do Rio, attaining great commercial success when published in book format, in 1893, by editor Pedro da Silva Quaresma, up to its complete later disappearance. The essay also highlights markers of adherence to the Naturalist aesthetics in its associated space, as well as in the internal circulation of texts and selfreferentiality.


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Author Biography

Pedro Paulo Garcia Ferreira Catharina, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Possui Bacharelado em Português Francês (1990), Licenciatura em Português Francês (1992), Mestrado (1995) e Doutorado (2001) em Letras Neolatinas pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Concluiu seu Pós-Doutorado em 2013 no IEL-UNICAMP. Atualmente é Professor Associado IV da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. 


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How to Cite

Catharina, P. P. G. F. (2013). From the “Article 200” to “The Abortion”: a naturalist novel’s trajectory. Letras, (47), 37–58.