Enhancing undergraduate students’ academic writing skills through self-assessment





Academic writing, Second language learning, Undergraduates, Self-assessment


Developing the knowledge and the skill to master academic writing in higher education constitutes a challenge for most undergraduate students. However, learning about this style of writing opens students’ doors to the wide world of academia. Thus, some undergraduate students were invited to become members of a Writing Feedback Center in which they worked with a tutor and a self-assessment sheet on different writing assignments following an eclectic approach to writing. In this work we analyzed students’ and tutors’ perceptions on self-assessment in relation to the development of their academic skill.


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Biografia do Autor

Ana Cecilia Cad, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Facultad de Lenguas, Córdoba, Argentina

Adjunct teacher at Facultad de Lenguas, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.

Paul Alexis Carrera, Universidad de Cordoba, Facultad de Lenguas

Facultad de Lenguas, English Department


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2021-10-19 — Atualizado em 2023-05-12


Como Citar

Cad, A. C., & Carrera, P. A. (2023). Enhancing undergraduate students’ academic writing skills through self-assessment. Letras, 173–194. https://doi.org/10.5902/2176148543019 (Original work published 19º de outubro de 2021)