Body fat determination of female team handballplayers


  • Cândido Simões Pires Neto Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS



This study aimed to identify the percentages of body fat among teams, active positions and age groups of female players. Data were collected from 44 athletes participating in the 1st Brazil Handball Youth Cup. the coronal density was determined by the equation of Jackson, Pollock and Ward (1980). The percentage of fat was calculated by the Brozek equation (1963). The data were treated by the analysis of variance (one way) and Duncan. between teams the youngest was that of Novo Hamburgo / RS (p <0.05). in the positions, the manufacturers and goalkeepers had, in this order, greater stature than the extremes (p <0.05). The supra-iliac fold was deferential (p <0.05) between the 4 teams, 0% of body fat did not vary significantly (p> 0.05) between teams, working positions and age groups, the average percentage of fat of these 44 players was 19 , 91 + 3.5%, it may be suggested that this is the characteristic 'for feminine female players. this suggestion is based on the different regions of origin of these athletes


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How to Cite

Neto, C. S. P. (1985). Body fat determination of female team handballplayers. Kinesis, 1(1).



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