Border studies and International Relations Theories: an emancipatory framework



Palabras clave:

Borders, International Relations Theories, Border studies, Critical Theory, Emancipation


Throughout the history of International Relations, borders have been marginalised both practically and, to a greater extent, theoretically. On the one hand, conceptualizations of borders are typically subordinate to other ideas within the field, such as sovereignty, territory, security, conflict, and peace. On the other hand, it is frequently regarded as a source of conflict or simply as a geographical boundary. Thus, it is not surprising that this situation of marginalisation (conventional view of boundaries) produced a hegemonic perspective on borders until the conclusion of the Cold War. Nonetheless, the rearrangement of the international system and the expansion of regional integration resulted in a more dynamic, complex, and multidimensional outline. This work seeks to answer the following research question: in what ways would a perspective contribute to the field of border studies? It is proposed that such a theoretical framework would reassign border studies from an underlying to a fundamental premise, elevating them to a more significant level. This reinterpretation has direct and indirect effects on border politics in practice.


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Biografía del autor/a

Fernando José Ludwig, Universidade Federal do Tocantins

Doutor. Universidade Federal do Tocantins, Palmas, TO, Brasil.


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Cómo citar

Ludwig, F. J. (2023). Border studies and International Relations Theories: an emancipatory framework. Revista InterAção, 14(3), e74635.