Educational Product Didactic-pedagogical manual for teaching agroecology in School Geography: applicability through a workshop for teachers in initial training
Agroecology, Geography teaching, Teacher training, Didactic-pedagogical guide, Geography teacherAbstract
Agroecology promotes a balance between farmers and the environment, preserving ecosystems, biodiversity, and traditional practices. During academic training, the absence of agroecology in school geography education was noted, highlighting the need for new didactic materials. This research aimed to create a didactic-pedagogical manual for teaching agroecology in school geography. Utilizing a quali-quantitative approach, the methodology included bibliographic research, data collection, and systematic literature review. A diagnostic questionnaire was administered to geography teachers in Cornélio Procópio-PR to assess the need for this topic in local schools. Based on the data, a manual was developed with specific activities for elementary and high school levels, aiming to support the teaching of agroecology in geography classes. The results indicate that the manual is a promising didactic tool for school geography.
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