We didn’t have capital, but we were really rich:

poverty and dignified lives narrated by black women settled in southern Brazil





Black women, Development, Local theories, Poverty, Settlements


This essay problematizes the issue of poverty, trying to take the voices of settled black women seriously and recognizing them as local theories. The challenge was to gather clues about the ways in which notions of poverty erupt in the daily lives of women who live in territories associated with poverty that are invariably decoded as destitution. Through in-depth interviews, seven women who experienced the struggle for land with the Landless Rural Workers Movement (MST) in the Filhos de Sepé settlement in southern Brazil narrated their notions of poverty, misery, wealth, and life worthiness. Revisiting their memories, the women weave theories anchored in everyday struggles that resonate with a community ethic of sustaining the desired life. Connected with the land and the good taste of living, his reflections indicate the importance of an epistemic investment in the concepts of poverty and misery, as well as their abyssal differences.


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Author Biographies

Dayana Cristina Mezzonato Machado, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul

PhD in Rural Development from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). She holds a degree in Agronomy from the Federal University of Viçosa (2005), a specialization in Family Farming and Rural Education from the Federal University of Santa Maria (2015), and a master's degree in Rural Development from UFRGS (2017). She has professional experience as a rural extensionist. Educator at the Josué de Castro Institute of Education. Member of the Mulheres da Terra group and the Laboratório Urgente de Teorias Armadas (LUTA) group. Her research and teaching interests include poverty and development; local (native) theories, indigenous and Afro-diasporic thought; social movements; gender and community feminisms; agroecology and environmental racism; mediation processes and rural extension.

Pâmela Marconatto Marques, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul

Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Rural Development at UFRGS and of the CLACSO GT "Autonomias, Territorios y Memorias: Geopoliticas en disputa". Professor of the Department of Economics and International Relations at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. Member of NEPEMIGRA/UFRGS. Researcher of the GTs "Pensamiento crítico caribeño sobre raza y racismo" and "Autonomias, Territórios y Memórias: Geopolíticas en Disputa" (Latin American Council of Social Sciences). Member of the GT LUTA - Urgent Laboratory of Armed Theories (NEAB-UFRGS).


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How to Cite

Machado, D. C. M., & Marques, P. M. (2024). We didn’t have capital, but we were really rich:: poverty and dignified lives narrated by black women settled in southern Brazil. Extensão Rural, 31, e85706. https://doi.org/10.5902/2318179685706



Sociologia e Antropologia Rural