Conditioning of production systems in rural settlements according to soil types




Soil mapping, Settlements, Crops


The objective of this work is to discuss the correlation between the types of soils and the production systems in rural settlements, having as a reference field the Núcleo de Assentamentos in the municipality of Sant'Ana do Livramento. It is highlighted in this work that the type of soil is not a criterion for the distribution of lots in agrarian reform settlements in Brazil and that areas under dystrophic soils can negatively interfere with the development of crops. Through the SIGRA 2016 database, productive information was obtained from the settlements that make up the Nucleo Operacional Sant'ana do Livramento, as well as the geographical coordinates of the settlements, to prepare the location maps and types of soils. The productive data and number of families of three selected settlements were updated in 2022. The distinction of soils in rural settlements, predicting their behavior and limitations is an important tool to define the agricultural potential of the areas. Regardless of the type of soil, the settlements presented diversity in the productive system, but negative aspects related to the type of soil, such as requirements for correctives and fertilizers, can be an inference for the decline in production. The types of soils can determine or limit the production systems, defining the areas of the settlements taking into account the soil can increase the productive potential of the settled families.


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Author Biographies

Laura Silva Dunker, Federal University of Pampa

Student of the 9th semester of the Agronomy course at the Federal University of Pampa (UNIPAMPA) - Campus Itaqui/RS. Scholarship holder for the Tutorial Education Program (PET Agronomia). Member of the Soil Science Study and Research Center (CiSo). Member of the Study and Research Group on Plant and Seed Production (GEP³S), Interdisciplinary Study and Research Group on Rural Development (GIEDER) and Ornamental and Edible Flowers Research Group (GPFOC).

Vinicius Piccin Dalbianco, Federal University of Pampa

He has a degree in Agronomy (UFSM, 2008), a specialist in Peasant Family Agriculture and Rural Education from UFSM (2012), a master's degree in Rural Extension (UFSM, 2011), a doctorate in Rural Extension (UFSM, 2016). He worked as a Technical Pedagogical Advisor in the Technical, Social and Environmental Advisory Program (ATES) for Agrarian Reform settlements in RS. Adjunct Professor at the Federal University of Pampa (UNIPAMPA), Campus Itaqui. Activity components: Rural Sociology, Sociology of Food, Rural Extension and Rural Development. Study and research themes: Rural Extension, Rural Settlements, Agricultural Production Systems, Agricultural Production Unit and Territorial Management, Rural Education, Rural Management, Rural Sociology and Public Policies for Rural Development

Patrick de Souza Gomes, Federal University of Pampa

Graduating in Cartographic and Surveying Engineering at the Federal University of Pampa - UNIPAMPA, Campus Itaqui

Lucas Biscaglia Miranda, Federal University of Pampa

Agricultural Technician at IFF - Campus São Vicente do Sul, student of the 9th semester of the Agronomy course at the Federal University of Pampa (Unipampa) - Campus Itaqui, member of the Tutorial Education Program - PET Agronomy, member of the Water Study Group and Soil (GEAS) and Study and Research Group on Plant and Seed Production (GEP³S).

Sidnei Luís Bohn Gass, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul

Graduated in Geography (Bachelor and Full Degree), from UNIJUÍ (2000), and Specialist in Humanities, Geography concentration area, from the same institution. He has a Master's degree in Geography, concentration area: Environmental Analysis, from UFRGS (2010) and a PhD from the same postgraduate program (2015). In 2020, he completed a post-doctoral internship at the Espace et Sociétés Laboratory, at Le Mans Université, France, through the QUALPROSUL project, with CAPES-COFECUB funding. He is an Adjunct Professor at the Federal University of Pampa, UNIPAMPA, Campus Itaqui, RS, and works as a permanent professor in the Postgraduate Program in Geography, at the Institute of Geosciences, at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. He has experience in the area of ​​Geosciences , with an emphasis on Thematic Cartography and Remote Sensing, working on the following themes: thematic cartography, environmental zoning and remote sensing


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How to Cite

Dunker, L. S., Dalbianco, V. P., Gomes, P. de S., Miranda, L. B., & Gass, S. L. B. (2023). Conditioning of production systems in rural settlements according to soil types. Extensão Rural, 30, e74626.



Desenvolvimento Rural