Mapping practices, actions, and communication models among social actors involved in coffee growing in the Chapada Diamantina region, BA: strategies to promote sustainable agricultural transition
Sustainable agricultural practices, Communication models, Sustainable agricultural innovationAbstract
In the food production chain, different models of knowledge communication are adopted regarding agricultural innovations. These communication models range from unidirectional models of knowledge dissemination to bidirectional models that seek to promote public engagement and participation. In the process of knowledge transmission, bidirectional models have been shown proven to be more efficient than unidirectional ones, as they promote dialogue and approximation between different knowledge systems. This means that the choice of communication model adopted by technicians and researchers can influence farmer’s decision-making in adopting agricultural practices. To identify opportunities for promoting transitions to more sustainable agricultural systems, we have investigated the communication models mediated by different social actors and the sustainable agricultural practices adopted by coffee growers in the Local Productive Arrangement (APL) of coffee in Chapada Diamantina-Ba. The protagonism of coffee growers in driving initiatives and experiences in the adopting sustainable agricultural practices, combined with partnerships between educational institutions, social organizations and community articulation networks, has facilitated social learning and dialogue among traditional, empirical and academic knowledge systems.
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