Eco-based agroforestry education: an experience with the use of remote and interactive methodologies
agroecology, COVID 19, virtual courseAbstract
The experience describes an extension course in ecologically-based agroforestry, carried out by NEA Gaia Centro Sul, from UERGS, during the COVID-19 pandemic, which was conducted virtually, with weekly synchronous classes, using the Youtube and StreamYard platforms, and asynchronous activities with Google Classroom. Topics were addressed such as: the reconnection between forests, crops and people; history, concepts and principles of agroforestry; Implementation and management of agroforestry; women and their agroforestry backyards; sociobiodiversity products in agroforestry and extractive systems; certification; and reports of agroforestry experiences. The course participants were able to interact through the chat available in the activities. The course can be considered a milestone in terms of the integration of agroforestry knowledge, having brought together educators and participants from different regions of the country.
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