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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Instructions for organization and submission of dossiers

    1. A Dossier is the organization of a collection of original papers resulting from research, articulated under the same area of interest to the field of Special Education and their interfaces.

    2. The responsibility of organization of a dossier should be left to burden exclusively of a doctor professor, belonging to a department of the Education Centre. In the case of co-authorship, one of the authors should have this titration.

    3. The request should be sent, via letter, to the Editorial Board with the following: title of the Dossier, justification and name of the authors with respective themes and home institutions.

    4. A Dossier must be compose of a minimum of ten (10) and a maximum of twelve (12) papers by authors from various states of the federation, avoiding endogeny. Till two (02) articles must be written by foreign authors, written in Portuguese, Spanish, French or English.

    5. The papers must strictly follow all norms of Special Education Journal, available in printed numbers and the website

    6. The dossier must be submitted mandatorily by the Electronic System for Journal Publishing (SEER):

    7. The deadline for the organizer send the papers to the Editorial Board is the first fortnight of May for that it may be published in the third issue of the same year. This material will be submitted to ad hoc evaluators.

    8. A same organizer only can publish a new dossier with an interstice of six issues.

    9. The omission cases shall be evaluated by the Editorial Board.

  • Instructions for submission of review

    1. The review should be about 1200 words.

    2. The author must introduce the field of the book, the main ideas of the author of the title and a critical appraisal regarding its contribution to the theoretical and practical context of Special Education.

    3. The other instructions for publication must be observed.

Author Guidelines

Submission instructions

Terms of use

Ethics statement


General Instructions

The Journal "SPECIAL EDUCATION", edited by the Federal University of Santa Maria, objectives publish only original papers in the field of Special Education. The Journal happens every four months. So, the first and the second numbers of the year contemplate the demand of the continuous flow and the third number of the year is organized in form of Thematic Dossier. The editorial board reserves the right not to publish papers by the same author in interstices smaller than two editions. Moreover, the editorial board rejects studies submitted to other national or international journals, as well as those referred for books or book chapters. The process of submission and review of submitted papers occurs through the Electronic System for Journal Publishing (SEER). After being submitted, the papers are previously evaluated by the Editorial Board: those that are outside of editorial standards will be returned to the authors, the others will be send to the ad hoc evaluators to be review. The identification of authors and institutions not must be in the text sent for review. The approval or rejection of each paper depends of the availability and agility of the Editorial Board and the ad hocevaluators.

The authors must observe the following specific instructions:

1. The text can be written in Portuguese, Spanish, French or English.

2. The paper must be typed in Word or InDesig, in Arial font, size 10, single spaced. If there are figures, they must be typed in JPG format; if there are charts or tables, they must be written in Excel or Adobe Table, with the following size: maximum width of 12 cm and height of 16 cm, inserted in appropriate places in the text. You will insert this file in: transfer of the manuscript. It must also be sent to the Chairman of the Editorial Board, via the Electronic System for Journal Publishing (SEER):, which shall submit it to the judgment of the Editorial Board.

3. The papers should have an extension between 3500-4500 words, excepting the abstracts (in Portuguese and in foreign language) and the references.

4. The name(s) of author(s), unabbreviated, must be included on the forms of metadata and all information requested in this field must be carefully inserted. Authors must indicate email, title, affiliation, city, state and country for propagation in the paper. The metadata item must include also the mailing address and phone numbers. In the URL item, the author must present number of the link to the curriculum Lattes.

5. Each paper need present a title in Portuguese (or Spanish, or French) and in English and an abstract between 150 and 250 words in Portuguese (or Spanish, or French) and in English (see NBR 6028 of ABNT of November 2003). The abstract don’t must be written in the first person and must contain the thematic focus, objectives, methods, results and conclusions. Three keywords in Portuguese (or Spanish, or French) and English must be indicated. The papers must be original and can be written in Portuguese, Spanish, French or English.

6. The endnotes should be utilized to some information for explanatory character, not exceeding 200 words.

7. The spelling and grammar review is responsibility of the author(s).

8. The write of the text, citations and references must be written according to the ABNT (NBR-6023/August of 2002). Only titles mentioned in the text must be included.


Basic standards:

Author Staff

Personal Author

LAST SURNAME (Uppercase), A. B. (First letters of the name and surnames) Title. 2nd. ed. (Number of edition) Place: Publisher, year. 224p.

Up to 3 authors

SILVA, E. T.; GOMES, G. V.; SOUZA, M. N. Title. 13. ed. rev. and enl. Place: Publisher, year.

More than 3 authors

SILVA, E. T. et al. Title: subtitle. Place: Publisher, year.

Organizer(s), coordinator(s), translator(s)

SILVA, E.T.; GOMES, G.V. (Org). Title. Translation of Name and Surname. [Sl: sn] (If the referenced opus do not contain local and publisher), year.

Author entity

BRAZIL. Ministry of Education. Title. Brasília, DF, year. 123p.

Author unknown

FIRST word of the title. Place: Publisher, year.

Continuous Demand

A Revista “EDUCAÇÃO ESPECIAL”, editada pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, objetiva veicular somente artigos inéditos na área da Educação Especial.

Relato de pesquisa

Resultados de pesquisa empírica ou investigação baseada em dados empíricos (estudo de caso), utilizando metodologia científica.

Revisão de literatura/Estudo teórico

Revisão de literatura (estado da arte), narrativa, integrativa, sistemática ou meta análise da produção científica e acadêmica.

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses informed in this journal will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be available for other objectives or to other parties.