Understanding inclusive education





epistemology of inclusive education, political positions, educational and investigative imagination.


Special education shares nothing with the analytical and methodological nature of inclusive education. Although they are terms that can be mutually constructed, this unique relationship modality imposes a chain of inheritances that trap and subjugate the emergence of the true face and voice of the inclusive. Inclusive education is presented as an imprecise, vague and elastic notion, its contours are flexible and its extension addresses an infinity of elements - a singular heuristic constellation - until now unknown. The object of the work is to analyze that the phrase 'inclusive education' does not demonstrate consensus and clarity about its nature, function and scope, specifically, when we assume the question of imagining its field of tasks detached from special education we are faced with a singular Analytical doublet: it makes explicit a problem of definition and specificity that has become a weak and unknown index of singularity and, on the other hand, it recognizes a discourse that is transversal to multiple fields and political and academic projects regarding certain ethical purposes that facilitate certain relationships with distant fields in their cognitive activity. Such a situation should not be confused with the presence of a very wide and elastic field, which suffers from an excess of meaning. The method used is the critical documentary review. The work concludes by observing that inclusive education becomes a device for the reformulation of the field to move away from the neoliberal educational imagination.


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Author Biography

Aldo Ocampo González, Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos de Educación Inclusiva, Santiago de Chile

Doctor y Director fundador del Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos de Educación Inclusiva, Santiago de Chile, Chile.


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How to Cite

González, A. O. (2021). Understanding inclusive education. Special Education Magazine, 34, e50/1–20. https://doi.org/10.5902/1984686X64627



Revisão de literatura/Estudo teórico