Using multimedia resources for children in a hospital context: an integrative review
Multimedia, children, hospital.Abstract
Hospitalization in children suppresses social interaction and produces isolation. This situation requires the recognition of strategies aimed at overcoming this condition and favoring inclusion. In this sense, the use of multimedia resources can be presented as a facilitating strategy, contributing to the interaction of children in their social environment. The objective of this work is to delineate the research related to the use of multimedia resources for children, adolescents, parents, and caregivers in a hospital context. This is an integrative review structured in the following stages: definition of the research question, establishment of inclusion and exclusion criteria in the literature search, definition of the information to be extracted from the studies, evaluation of included studies, interpretation of the results and synthesis of the data. The articles were surveyed in the databases PUBMED, B-ON, SCOPUS e Web of Science, adopting the descriptors multimedia, children and hospital in the period between 2013 and 2019. From the exclusion criteria and based on the analysis of the title and abstract, 19 articles were assigned to compose the final corpus of analysis. The results highlighted the potential of using multimedia resources for children in the hospital context. It was observed that the use of such resources favored the integration of children in medical procedures in a mild way, minimizing the state of stress and anxiety produced by the hospital environment, and clarifying and guiding parents and patients about such procedures in order to favor their involvement.
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