What is new in training Special Education teachers?


  • Maria Helena Michels Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina




Inclusion policies, Teacher training, Specialized complementary educational service.


Conveying along international conferences, the Brazilian educational policies have been basing themselves on the inclusive speech. To provide such with sustainability the training of special education teachers. Pursuing to contribute with that discussion, the present paper proposes reflections about initial and continuous training. Through some research that has been developed, we perceived that the core of teacher training for special education lies on the teachers of Specialized Complementary Educational Service (AEE, atendimento educa cional especializado). This service features specialized techniques and resources as a central point in the training. Even those actions that make reference to the relationship with the common class are linked to the transfer of those resources and techniques, not to the pedagogical discussion. Moreover, the current teacher training proposition does not break with the training model traditionally specified for that area. Such elements may lead us to consider that the training of teachers who work with students considered to be disabled is not centered in continuous training. Both that and the initial training do not feature the relationship between AEE and the common class as their central focus. Furthermore, on training there is a preponderance of a model that places the pedagogical in second place, in favor of the medical-psychological aspect. In summary, this proposition of training may signal that the proposal for inclusion in course in the country does not presuppose the acquisition of school knowledge by students with disabilities.


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Author Biography

Maria Helena Michels, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Professora da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, no Departamento de Estudos Especializados em Educação. Atua na área de Educação Especial.



How to Cite

Michels, M. H. (2011). What is new in training Special Education teachers?. Special Education Magazine, 24(40), 219–232. https://doi.org/10.5902/1984686X2668