From the (in)difference to the intervention: the contribution of intercultural education to special education


  • Ana Ribeiro ESE de Paula Frassinetti
  • Mário Rui Cruz CIDTFF, Universidade de Aveiro/ ESE de Paula Frassinetti
  • Joana Cavalcanti ESE de Paula Frassinetti



Intercultural education, inclusive education, differentiated teaching, teacher training, action-research.


In contemporary society, education has become a challenge because school and society live in constant dichotomy which experts call “cultural blindness” in contrast to the “call” (un)aware of students who reflect the “rainbow” diversity of our heterogeneous society. We recognize that society delegates to the school the primary role of education and it reflects the development of society which calls for Intercultural Education and inclusion for all students regardless of their specific needs and are entitled to an effective education and values. Therefore, this research will seek to understand the ways of the inclusive school movement and interculturalism, through understanding of these phenomena are interrelated and complementary. In addition to an overview of this topic this research will focus on the pre-school education. The focus at this level has take into account the educational attainment of a case study about the interdisciplinary work between teacher (kindergarten teacher) and therapists (occupational and speech) for the inclusion of a five-years-old child, with features of autism spectrum in a room of the preschool education in Oporto, Portugal


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Author Biographies

Ana Ribeiro, ESE de Paula Frassinetti

Mestranda de Ciências da Educação – Área de especialização Educação Especial, na Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti.

Mário Rui Cruz, CIDTFF, Universidade de Aveiro/ ESE de Paula Frassinetti

Mário Cruz é investigador no CIDTFF da Universidade de Aveiro (Portugal), onde desenvolve a sua tese de Doutoramento em Didáctica e Tecnologia Educativa e é bolseiro de Doutoramento da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia. É também Professor Adjunto Convidado na Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti (Portugal), pertencendo ao Departamento de Formação em Educação Especial. É Professor de cursos de Pós-graduação e Mestrado em Educação Especial.

Joana Cavalcanti, ESE de Paula Frassinetti

Professora Coordenadora na Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti (Portugal), pertencendo ao Departamento de Formação em Educação Especial.



How to Cite

Ribeiro, A., Cruz, M. R., & Cavalcanti, J. (2011). From the (in)difference to the intervention: the contribution of intercultural education to special education. Special Education Magazine, 1(1), 13–30.