The written language of signals as a means of natural literacy of deaf children


  • Giovana Fracari Hautrive Escola Estadual de Educação Especial Dr. Reinaldo Fernando Cóser, Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul
  • Edna Márcia de Souza Escola Estadual de Educação Especial Dr. Reinaldo Fernando Cóser, Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul



Literacy, Writing the Language of Signs, Deaf.


Taking the theme literacy of deaf children is currently directing the eye to the practice teaching course that demands beyond the school. Questions moving to daily practice, became a challenge, requiring an investigative attitude. The article aims to problematize the process of literacy of deaf children. Reflection proposal emerges from daily practice. This structure is from yarns that include theoretical studies of Vigotskii (1989, 1994, 1996, 1998); Stumpf (2005), Quadros (1997); Bolzan (1998, 2002); Skliar (1997a, 1997b, 1998) . From which, problematizes the processes involved in the construction of written language. It is as a result, the importance of the instrumentalization of sign language as first language in education of deaf and learning of sign language writing. Important aspects for the deaf student is observed in the condition to be literate in their mother tongue. It points out the need for a redirect in the literacy of deaf children, so that important aspects of language and its role in the structuring of thought and its communicative aspect, are respected and considered in this process. Thus, it emphasizes the learning of the writing of sign language as fundamental, it should occupy a central role in the proposed teaching the class, encouraging the contradictions that put the student in a situation of cognitive conflict, while respecting the diversity inherent to each humans. It is considered that the production of sign language writing is an appropriate tool for the deaf students record their visual language.


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How to Cite

Hautrive, G. F., & Souza, E. M. de. (2010). The written language of signals as a means of natural literacy of deaf children. Special Education Magazine, 1(1).