Memory and professional identity of a deaf leacturer
Memory, Teacher identity, Deaf people.Abstract
This article aims to present and analyze reports of teaching trajectory of a Higher Education deaf lecturer and seeks to discuss her memory and professional identity. To do so, we discuss such issues as the achievements of the deaf community, changes in the education for the deaf, as well as, theoretical aspects on memory formation and teacher identity. This is a qualitative study and data was collected through semi-structured interviews. This interview was recorded on video and later analyzed. The data collected during the deaf lecturer´s interview allow us to understand that her memory and her professional identity are comprised by various aspects of personal and professional order and by the fight for the rights of the deaf.. The interviewed lecturer stated that, despite the changes that occurred, which led to improved university access and teacher education for the deaf, we still need to ponder and to have measures of recognition and integration of the deaf in Higher Education.Downloads
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