White on the white: psychoanalyze, special education and school inclusion
Autism and infant psychosis, Special Education, School Inclusion.Abstract
In the construction of inclusive process we find obstacles relative to the suppose boundaries and possibilities of children with autism and infantile psychosis education. Because their singular psychological structure, these subjects shows stereotypes behaviors, uncontextualized speeches, written and reading locked in the literality of the meaning or with a lost connotation. These differences are, usually, seems as obstacles to the school inclusion, justifying the absence of an attendance or the assimilation for the reeducational spaces, searching a behavior adaptation. The objective these work is the construction of a new perspective about these subjects and their educational and subjective possibilities. Specifically, this paper presents a child psychological attendance, from his five to eleven years old, focalizing mainly on the relationship between clinic and educational inclusion. As lecture filters we have the freudian-lacanian psychoanalysis and the school inclusion propositions. This study wants to question the narrow interpretations, enlarge perspectives and flexibilize clinic and educational processes.Downloads
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