The use of a virtual platform aiming to help students during social distancing period




Due to the need for social distancing caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, education suffered a rupture in traditional patterns of student and teacher meetings in classrooms, which consequently led to a fraternal distancing between individuals. Such concerns were taken into account by Grupo PET Computação which, as a solution, conceived a platform capable of sustaining the link created by remote classroom teaching. To achieve this goal, the Discord Application was chosen, which with its various tools and friendly interface has become a virtual space for study and interaction for students and professors.


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How to Cite

Pereira, A. W. K., Traversi, A. A., Silveira, G. R., Zimmer, R. de S., & Rosa Júnior, L. S. da. (2021). The use of a virtual platform aiming to help students during social distancing period. Revista ComInG - Communications and Innovations Gazette, 5(3), 100–107.

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