Biological inputs in promoting the growth of <i>Bauhinia forficata</i> Link. seedlings
DOI: clave:
Trichoderma, Vermicompost, Medicinal species, Pata-de-vaca, FabaceaeResumen
Crops of medicinal plants demand careful attention with agrochemicals in order to avoid changing the composition of its active principles. Biological inputs are more recommended for this purpose. We tested the effects of Trichoderma and vermicompost on Bauhinia forficata Link. seedlings, one of the most exploited species for medicinal purposes. Two trials were installed in a completely randomized design with 40 replicates in a greenhouse in southern Brazil. We tested two Trichoderma asperelloides strains (T1 and T2) and two Trichoderma harzianum strains (T13 and T33) inoculated on substrate and a control treatment (substrate without inoculation). The vermicompost assay tested the proportions 0, 20, 40, 50, 60 and 80 % vermicompost (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 and T6 respectively). The variables of height, collar diameter, chlorophyll content and leaf number were evaluated at 45, 90 and 135 days after seeding. We analyzed seedlings survival, leaf area, shoot and root total dry biomass, and Dickson Quality Index at 135 days after seeding. Leaf area was submitted to the Tukey test (α = 0.05). Other variables did not present normality and homogeneity of variances and were compared by Kruskal-Wallis (α = 0.05). Biological inputs positively influenced the initial growth of Bauhinia forficata. Height, collar diameter, leaf area and try biomass (total, shoot and root) were higher in relation to control treatments for both trials. Among Trichoderma strains, T13 presented the best results in relation to T33. Seedlings produced with larger percentages of vermicompost (50, 60 and 80%) presented statistically higher development for height and collar diameter 90 days after seeding when compared to the control treatment. However, there was no clear pattern of differences between the other doses of this entry, requiring further dosing tests. Trichoderma and vermicompost showed to be promising for the production of Bauhinia forficata for medicinal purposes.
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