
  • Márcia d’Avila UFSM
  • Ervandil Corrêa Costa



borer of erva-mate, Ilex paraguariensis, cerambycidae.


The objective of this work was to study Hedypathes betulinus behavior on erva-mate. Observations were conducted in a homogeneous eight years-old erva-mate population under 1.5 m x 2.0 m spacing layout in 15 ha and 20 ha fields in both Ilópolis, State of Rio Grande do Sul and Catanduvas, State of Santa Catarina, respectively. The observations were conducted hourly during six days, totalizing 144 observations in Ilópolis (RS) and three days, totalizing 72 observations in Catanduvas (SC), February and March, 2001, respectively. The environmental factors temperature (°C), relative humidity (%), wind speed (m/s) and light intensity (Klux) were evaluated using a thermohygrograph, an anemometer and a luximeter. The behavioral aspects observed were mating, oviposition, feeding, male keeping female, standing alone insect and insect in movement. Oviposition and feeding were the only behaviors affected by the periods of the day and environmental conditions. Considering other behaviors, Hedypathes betulinus presents no preference in relation to the periods or hours of the day they occur.


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How to Cite

d’Avila, M., & Costa, E. C. (2005). BEHAVIOR ASPECTS OF Hedypathes betulinus KLUG (1825) (COLEOPTERA: CERAMBYCIDAE) ON ERVA-MATE¹. Ciência Florestal, 15(3), 233–239.




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