Homogeneous <i>Tachigali vulgaris</i> wood particleboard agglomerated with organic resins





White taxi, Particleboard, Urea-formaldehyde, Castor oil-based bicomponent resin, Homogeneous forest plantation


In recent decades, the establishment of reforestation areas with native species has been driven by a new consumer market aware of environmental issues, Tachigali vulgaris wood has been investigated for this purpose. This study aimed to evaluate the potential of T. vulgaris wood as a raw material for homogeneous particleboards agglomerated with castor oil-based polyurethane resin (PU-Castor) and urea-formaldehyde (UF). The chemical composition, basic density (Db), and pH of the wood's total soluble extractives were determined. Static bending and perpendicular tensile tests were carried out to determine the modulus of rupture (MOR), modulus of elasticity (MOE), and internal bond (IB). X-ray densitometry, bulk density (BD), thickness swelling (TS), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) before and after accelerated weathering (AW) tests were carried out. The physical and chemical results of the wood (lignin: 23.8%; holocellulose: 76.3%; total extractives: 4.2%; ash: 0.6%; Db; 525.5 kg.m-3; pH: 5.5-5.8) corroborate those in the literature. The physical and mechanical results were compared to the ANSI A208.1:2016 and ISO 16893:2016 standards. The performance of the PU-Castor panel (TS: 29.2%; MOR: 6.0 MPa; MOE: 514.7 MPa; IB: 1.9 MPa; BD: 473 kg.m-3) was superior to that of UF (TS: 21.5%; MOR: 2.4 MPa; MOE: 215.7 MPa; IB: 0.8 MPa; BD: 461 kg.m-3), being classified as an LD-2 type panel according to ANSI A208.1:2016. The SEM images show the degradation of the panels after cycles of humidity and temperature variation. The characteristics of T. vulgaris wood make it suitable for producing homogeneous particleboards.


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Author Biographies

Jefferson Bezerra Bezerra, University of São Paulo

University of São Paulo, Pirassununga, SP, Brazil

Environmental Engineer, PhD in Materials Science and Engineering, Graduate Student

Lina Bufalino, Federal Rural University of Amazonia

She has a degree in Forestry Engineering from the Federal University of Lavras (UFLA) (2003-2008), a master's degree (2008-2010) and a doctorate (2010-2014) in Wood Science and Technology from UFLA. She works mainly in the areas of technology for timber and non-timber forest products, cellulose, nanotechnology and biomaterials engineering. She is a permanent professor in three postgraduate programs: Forestry Sciences (PPGCF) at UFRA; Rede BIONORTE at the Federal University of Amazonas; and Environmental Sciences at the Federal University of Amapá.

Tiago Marcolino de Souza, State University of Amapá

Adjunct Professor V in the Chemical Engineering course at Amapá State University. He has a degree in Physics (2005) and a master's degree in Materials Engineering from the Federal University of Ouro Preto (2008), a doctorate in Materials Science and Engineering (2012) and a post-doctorate from the Federal University of São Carlos (2014). He is a doctoral advisor in the Postgraduate Program in Biodiversity and Biotechnology of the BIONORTE Network (PPG-BIONORTE) and a master's advisor in the Postgraduate Program in Environmental Sciences at the Federal University of Amapá. He has experience in topics mainly related to unconventional materials, composites, biocomposites and the use of agroforestry waste. She currently coordinates the Sustainable Materials Engineering Center at UEAP.

Marcelino Carneiro Guedes, Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation

He holds a degree in Forestry Engineering from the Federal University of Viçosa (1996), an advanced degree from the UFV Soils Department (1997), a master's degree in Forestry Sciences [Esalq] from the University of São Paulo (2001) and a PhD in Forest Resources from USP (2005). He is currently a researcher at the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária), professor and advisor at the Tropical Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences Graduate Programs at the Federal University of Amapá.

Juliano Fiorelli, University of São Paulo

Associate Professor at the University of São Paulo (USP) - FZEA. Graduated in Civil Engineering from the Federal University of São Carlos (1999), with a master's degree (2002) and doctorate (2005) in Materials Science and Engineering from the University of São Paulo. Post-doctorate from the Structural Engineering Department of EESC/USP.


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How to Cite

Bezerra, J. B., Bufalino, L., Souza, T. M. de, Guedes, M. C., & Fiorelli, J. (2025). Homogeneous <i>Tachigali vulgaris</i> wood particleboard agglomerated with organic resins. Ciência Florestal, 35, e84694. https://doi.org/10.5902/1980509884694

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