
  • Carlos Roberto Sette Junior
  • Mario Tomazello Filho
  • José Luis Lousada
  • Jean Paul Laclau



dendrometer, eucalyptus, fertilization, seasonal climatic


The present work aimed to evaluate the seasonal increment in diameter of Eucalyptus grandis trees for 24 months and its relationship with the climatic variables and fertilization with nitrogen and with sewer mud. The trees were planted in the spacing of 3x2 m and fertilized with nitrogen (planting, 6, 12, 18 months) and sewer mud (planting and 8 months). 20 trees were selected by treatment according witch the distribution of basal area and installed dendrometer bands at a 1.3 meter. The results showed a clear effect of the climatic variables on the seasonal increment in diameter of trees, being observed a delay period (lag) of 28 days for the answer of the trees in relation to the climatic variables. Regading to the fertilization effect, it was observed that the increment of trunk diameter was higher in the eucalyptus trees with organic in relation to mineral fertilization with nitrogen.



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How to Cite

Junior, C. R. S., Filho, M. T., Lousada, J. L., & Laclau, J. P. (2012). SEASONAL INCREMENT IN TRUNK DIAMETER OF Eucalyptus grandis TREES APPLYING DENDROMETER BANDS. Ciência Florestal, 22(4), 763–775.




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