Floristic composition, diversity and edaphic effects in two rocky savanna communities in the Amazon and Cerrado, Brazil
Amazonian savanna, Inselbergs, Phytogeography, Cerrado-Amazonian Forest transitionAbstract
Despite the uniqueness and reach of the flora from natural savannas in the Brazilian Amazon, and the existence of studies on its origin and diversity, there are no local studies associating floristic patterns with soil properties in savanna enclaves in the Amazon region of the state of Mato Grosso. Floristic composition and diversity were compared between a woody community from a rocky savanna inselberg in a transition region (RTS) between the two largest South American biomes (Cerrado-Amazon), and an enclave of rocky savanna in the Amazon (RAS), and the effects of soil properties were investigated. Floristic comparisons were also made between the two studied communities and two other rocky savanna communities near the Cerrado-Amazon transition. The flora and physical and chemical soil properties in twenty-five 20 × 20 m subplots (1 ha) in each community were sampled and georeferenced. An evident floristic distinction was found between the two studied communities, with low similarity values and a high number of indicator species. The observed and estimated richness and Rényi diversity profiles indicated lower species diversity in RAS than in RTS. Soils were found to be litholic, poorly drained, dystrophic, alic, extremely acidic, sandy and nutrient poor. Species composition and abundance was associated with soil properties in both communities. The clear difference in species composition and diversity between RTS and RAS seem to be shaped by soil properties, geographic isolation and floristic influence from the Cerrado and the Amazon. These results broaden the knowledge regarding the composition and diversity of woody plants of savannas in Amazonian enclaves and Cerrado inselbergs, and provide an important set of floristic and edaphic descriptors for the phytogeography of rocky savannas.
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