
  • Gustavo Ventorim UFSM
  • Jorge L. Colodette
  • Marcelo M. da Costa
  • Ana Campos de Brito



Secondary fibers, bleaching process (conventional, ECF and TCF).


In this study, ECF and TCF bleaching processes were evaluated for the bleaching of a deinked mixed office waste (MOW) pulp sample produced in a pilot plant. The sample was bleached by all processes to a target brightness of 78 % ISO minimum. The results were interpreted on the basis of chemical cost to reach the target brightness, bleaching yield and bleached pulp quality as measured by viscosity, fluorescence and b* color coordinate. Among the ECF sequences, the mosattractive was the DEDD which showed the lowest chemical cost and produced bleached pulp of high quality as measured by viscosity, fluorescence and b* coordinate. The best TCF sequence with ozone was the Q(PO)(ZQ)(PO) which resulted in very high brightness ceiling. This sequence decreased moderately the pulp b* coordinate and viscosity and slightly its fluorescence. Among the TCF sequences without ozone the Q(PO)Q(PO) was the most effective but showed poor flexibility with regard to brightness ceiling. This sequence had little effect on pulp viscosity, fluorescence and b* coordinate. For all three  bleaching processes, it was determined that process yield is negatively affected by hot alkaline stages such as O, P and (PO).


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How to Cite

Ventorim, G., Colodette, J. L., Costa, M. M. da, & Brito, A. C. de. (1999). ECF AND TCF BLEACHING OF SECONDARY FIBER PULP. Ciência Florestal, 9(2), 41–54.




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