Carya illinoinensis, Forest Entomology, Nut production.Abstract
The areas cultivated with pecan, Carya illinoinensis (Wangenh.) K. Koch (Juglandaceae), have been growing mainly in the southern region of the country. Along with it, the risks of diseases and plagues rise. Thus, the present study aimed at revising important aspects of the pecan culture, with an emphasis at plague species and beneficial species of arthropods related to in its original region and in Brazil. From a bibliographical survey, a few records about plague-species harmful to the culture are found, from which, 18 species, are registered in Rio Grande do Sul, being a very small number when compared to the species already registered and studied in the United States, the original country of the Carya illinoinensis species, which are more than 66 plague-species, among insects and mite. Among the plague-species which deserve attention are the mite Monellia caryella, the species of phylloxera Phylloxera devastatrix and Phylloxera notabilis, because they are species that happen to be registered in both in the United States and the original regions of pecan tree, causing damage to the plant leaves. At the same time a high diversity of plague-species harmful to the pecan culture is found, it is possible to observe both in the United States and in Brazil, especially in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, a variety of potential predators and parasitoids to the harmful species to Carya illinoinensis. Thus, Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is suggested, with further studies that prioritize the maintenance of biological control agents existing in the planting area, searching to guarantee nuts in quality and quantity, preserving the consumer and the orchard health.
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