Homegardens in the Central Amazon: characterization, social importance and agrobiodiversity
Agrobiodiversity, Agroecosystem, AgroforestryAbstract
The objective of the present study was to describe the main characteristics of homegardens in Central Amazon, as well as to evaluate the social importance and contribution of these agroecosystems to the conservation of agrobiodiversity. Three hundred and thirty-four (334) homegardens in 14 municipalities in the state of Pará were sampled, Brazil. The owners or those responsible for the homegardens were interviewed for the collection of history, uses and management of these homegardens. The homegardens of Central Amazon are managed from low to medium intensity with the use of internal inputs and the main criteria for selecting plants are related to their potential use, shade formation and longevity of the species. In addition to the production of food for family consumption, homegardens have aesthetic, social, recreational and religious functions. The homegardens in Central Amazon have an important role in the conservation of agrobiodiversity.Downloads
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