WOOD AND BARK ANATOMY OF Mimosa bimucronata (DC.) O. Kuntze
wood anatomy, bark anatomy, Mimosa bimucronata.Abstract
The general, macroscopic and microscopic structure of the wood of Mimosa bimucronata (DC.) O. Kuntze is described, as well as its bark anatomy. The wood anatomy is compared with literature references to allied species of the same genus and family Leguminosae. The most important features observed, are the presence of only simple perforation plates in vascular elements, the alternate and vestured intervascular pitting, libriform fibres, homogeneous rays of procumbent cells, and the absence of stratified structure. The inner bark shows phloematic fibres in discontinuous tangential strands, envolved by crystalliferous parenchymatic series, and rays with irregular course. The flame-like pattern of the parenchymatic development is the most distinctive feature of the middle bark.