
  • Aires Afonso Mbanze
  • Antonio Carlos Batista
  • Alexandre França Tetto
  • Axel Misraim Romero
  • John Mudekwe



forest fires, fire danger indexes, degree of danger.


This study was conducted in order to evaluate the performance of Nesterov indexes and of Monte Alegre formula (FMA) in Lichinga environment (northern Mozambique) in order to suggest the best index to be used in this region. To do so, we used daily meteorological data (temperature, precipitation and relative humidity) and registration data of forest fire occurrences in a period of three years (2010 - 2012). Meteorological data were provided by the Agricultural Research Institute of Mozambique in Lichinga (IIAM-Lichinga), whereas the data base of fire occurrence record was provided by the Center for Monitoring and Control of Forest Fires (CCMIF) of the company Chikweti Forest of Niassa. Then, fire danger indexes and the degree of daily danger were calculated for both indexes, where it was observed the predominance of very high degree of danger in almost every year, with a percentage of 52.65% for the FMA and 37.96% for Nesterov index. Along with values of Skill Score (SS) of 0.11 Percent Success (PS) of 44.82%, Nesterov index showed best performance for this region unlike FMA, that presented a weak performance with values of 0, 07 of SS and 35.62%of PS.


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How to Cite

Mbanze, A. A., Batista, A. C., Tetto, A. F., Romero, A. M., & Mudekwe, J. (2017). PERFORMANCE OF NESTEROV INDEXES AND OF MONTE ALEGRE FORMULA IN LICHINGA DISTRICT, NORTHERN OF MOZAMBIQUE. Ciência Florestal, 27(2), 687–696.



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