
  • João Karlos Locastro
  • José Luiz Miotto
  • Bruno Luiz Domingos De Angelis
  • Marcelo Galeazzi Caxambu




inventory tree, management, environmental projects.


The proper study aims to assess sustainability conditions of afforestation in Cafeara streets, PR state, and recommend possible management techniques for vegetation in urban areas. Therefore, there was the development of a tree inventory associated with the practice of on-site interviews, allowing the diagnosis of species in the study area and verify the behavior of afforestation. Along with the preparation of the research, it was found that the city had development of sustainable vegetation, evidenced by planting native seedlings, preparation of environmental projects and maintenance management techniques. Despite the recognition of sustainable techniques performed by the trees, we observed that the studied municipality has the potential for significant progress on the proposed theme, thus reducing part of arboreal conflicts with public facilities and enhancing the benefits of vegetation. As an alternative for the resolution of the existing problems, it is recommended the stimulation of corrective measures, among them: planting tree species in places of intense sunstroke, waste disposal pruning as a form of fertilizer, crop species with floristic and/or fruitful potential, besides the development of a municipal management plan for afforestation. For all the above, it was noted that although there is need for readjustments, the afforestation system has been effective as its functionality, acting sustainably due to the implementation of public management actions and citizen participation.


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How to Cite

Locastro, J. K., Miotto, J. L., De Angelis, B. L. D., & Caxambu, M. G. (2017). EVALUATION OF SUSTAINABLE USE OF URBAN AFFORESTATION IN CAFEARA CITY, PARANÁ STATE. Ciência Florestal, 27(2), 549–556. https://doi.org/10.5902/1980509827735




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