
  • Debora Aline da Fonseca
  • Amanda Ratier Backes
  • Milena Fermina Rosenfield
  • Gerhard Ernst Overbeck
  • Sandra Cristina Müller




richness, composition, structure, succession.


Riparian areas are a recurrent focus of ecological restoration due to their importance for the maintenance of ecosystem services. However, few studies have evaluated the success of active interventions in restoring ecosystem functions and processes. The natural regeneration is a successional process and its evaluation might reveal the state and the potential of the ecosystem resilience in forest areas undergoing restoration. The present study aimed to compare natural regeneration of a riparian area that is undergoing restoration (planting of native trees, 10 years ago) with a reference forest area, in Cachoeirinha, Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil. We conducted a survey of trees and shrubs in the upper stratum (DBH ≥ 5 cm) and the lower stratum (> 30 cm in height and DBH > 5 cm) in a total of 40 plots (100 m2 each), within the planting (restoration) and the remnant forest (reference). For each stratum and treatment (reference vs. restoration) we analyzed phytosociological parameters, patterns of structure and composition, and similarity among plots. The results showed significant differences in relation to structure and species composition, especially for the upper stratum. For the lower stratum (natural regeneration), abundance, height, and species richness were similar between the restoration and the reference areas. Species composition in regeneration remained distinct. However, its similarity value was higher than any other comparison among strata, indicating that species that were not planted were able to establish in the planted areas.


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How to Cite

da Fonseca, D. A., Backes, A. R., Rosenfield, M. F., Overbeck, G. E., & Müller, S. C. (2017). EVALUATION OF THE NATURAL REGENERATION IN A RESTORATION PLANTING AREA AND IN A REFERENCE RIPARIAN FOREST. Ciência Florestal, 27(2), 521–534. https://doi.org/10.5902/1980509827733




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