
  • Waldenei Travassos de Queiroz
  • Marcelo Lúcio Silva
  • Fernando Cristovam Silva Jardim
  • Rodrigo Vale
  • Mário Diego Rocha Valente
  • João Pinheiro



phytosociology, forest inventory, cluster sampling.


Principal components and factor analysis were used to evaluate the applicability of the linear model IVI = a1Ar + a2Dr + a3Fr for obtaining indexes of value of importance (IVI) for tree species, where Ar is relative abundance, Dr is the relative dominance and Fr is the relative frequency, to compare with the standard univariate method that considers a1 = a2 = a3 =1. The data comprised a sample of 104.04 ha, located in Tapajós National Forest, Belterra municipality, state of Pará, covering of a set of 36 clusters of 4 ha each, Malta croos-shaped, with four subplots of 1ha each. To obtain the IVI’sby species within each cluster, each subplot was subdivided each into 5 sub-subplots of 0.2 ha each. The analysis revealed that the values obtained by multivariable differ from those obtained by the standard equation. It was also found that the values of univariate and multivariate indices vary significantly within the forest, and therefore are not recommended, as they usually are, to infer a single value for the whole forest area, because species considered of minor importance for the overall forest may be of great importance in particular subareas. The use of linear model with a1 = a2 = a3 =1i s not suitable, because of the wide variation of the coefficients among species and their spatial distribution in the forest. 


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How to Cite

Queiroz, W. T. de, Silva, M. L., Jardim, F. C. S., Vale, R., Valente, M. D. R., & Pinheiro, J. (2017). IMPORTANCE VALUE INDEX OF TREE SPECIES OF TAPAJÓS NATIONAL FOREST BY ANALYSIS OF PRINCIPAL COMPONENTS AND FACTORS. Ciência Florestal, 27(1), 47–59.




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