Spreading and impact of <i>Pinus elliottii</i> Engelm. var. <i>elliottii</i> on the riparian area in Capão Bonito National Forest – SP state
Invasive exotic species, Environmental disturbance, Biological invasion, Protected areaAbstract
Conducted in a riparian area of the protected area called Capão Bonito National Forest – SP state, this study assessed at different distance classes from Pinus elliottii var. elliottii (pine) plantation: 1) the density of native vegetation, pine with-cone and pine without-cone; 2) the basal area of native vegetation and pine with-cone and 3) the humidity by frequency of occurrence of dry soil, saturated soil surface and flooded soil. The objective was to verify the situation of invasion and development of pine, its relationship with native vegetation and soil. By Spearman Correlation Coeffcient, it was demonstrated that there was no difference in the pine establishment in different distances (average=335), confrming its invasive potential. When the increase in native vegetation density is observed, there is a decrease in the pine with-cone abundance, however, its establishment occurred. In addition, there was recruitment of seedlings and juveniles (pine without-cone) which have the capacity for self-perpetuation by substitution for senile and perished individuals. When considering the same pine with-cone density and native vegetation, it was obtained basal area of pine with-cone eight times more than the native vegetation; this high basal area indicates competition for environmental attributes which may compromise maintenance and survival of native species in the medium and long term. There was a higher prevalence of pine with-cone occupation in dry soil in detriment of native species. The environmental impacts resulted by the presence, development and invasion of Pinus elliottii indicate the need for its eradication and management against reinfestation.Conducted in a riparian area of the protected area called Capão Bonito National Forest – SP state, this study assessed at different distance classes from Pinus elliottii var. elliottii (pine) plantation: 1) the density of native vegetation, pine with-cone and pine without-cone; 2) the basal area of native vegetation and pine with-cone and 3) the humidity by frequency of occurrence of dry soil, saturated soil surface and flooded soil. The objective was to verify the situation of invasion and development of pine, its relationship with native vegetation and soil. By Spearman Correlation Coefficient, it was demonstrated that there was no difference in the pine establishment in different distances (average = 335), confirming its invasive potential. When the increase in native vegetation density is observed, there is a decrease in the pine with-cone abundance, however, its establishment occurred. In addition, there was recruitment of seedlings and juveniles (pine without-cone) which have the capacity for self-perpetuation by substitution for senile and perished individuals. When considering the same pine with-cone density and native vegetation, it was obtained basal area of pine with-cone eight times more than the native vegetation; this high basal area indicates competition for environmental attributes which may compromise maintenance and survival of native species in the medium and long term. There was a higher prevalence of pine with-cone occupation in dry soil in detriment of native species. The environmental impacts resulted by the presence, development and invasion of Pinus elliottii indicate the need for its eradication and management against reinfestation.Downloads
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