Digital processing of plant images in evaluating the vigor of <i>Moringa oleifera</i> Lam. seeds




Image analysis, Germination, Automated system


The use of techniques involving a computerized analysis of seedlings in evaluating the seed lot quality has shown to be of great efficiency. Thus, the aim of this work was to verify the efficiency of the Seedling Analysis System (SAPL) in detecting vigor differences between moringa seed lots in comparison to the information provided by usual vigor tests. Therefore, the water content and the physiological quality of seeds by germination test, first count test, germination speed index, emergency speed index, traditional accelerated aging test, and accelerated aging test using saline solution were determined by SAPL. The experimental design was completely randomized, using four replicates. The parameters obtained in the computerized analysis (shoot and primary root lengths, total seedling length, and growth, uniformity, and vigor index) by the SAPL software were efficient in distinguishing seed lots in comparison to the usual tests, and not only among lots showing low and high vigor, but also for those showing intermediate quality.


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How to Cite

Pereira, M. D., Reis, J. A. dos, Ferrari, C. dos S., & Vale, A. M. P. G. (2020). Digital processing of plant images in evaluating the vigor of <i>Moringa oleifera</i> Lam. seeds. Ciência Florestal, 30(2), 291–306.




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