
  • Gustavo Sartori Pottker
  • Paulo Costa de Oliveira Filho
  • Afonso Figueiredo Filho
  • Cilmar Antônio Dalmaso



Ripley’s K function, intensity estimation, spatial point pattern.


Distinction between generating mechanisms of the spatial patterns of forest species – case study with Ocotea odorifera. The objective of this research was the understanding of the processes and generating mechanisms of the spatial distribution of Ocotea odorifera, discriminating influences of the environment from those arising due to interactions between individuals. For this, coordinates from species trees were taken in a region of 25 hectares of Mixed Rain Forest (FOM) sampled in the National Forest (FLONA) of Irati. These data, described as a spatial point process, were evaluated by two Spatial Statistics techniques. Initially, a Kernel intensity estimator verified the global patterns of trees dispersion in the sampled region, and posteriorly, the non-homogeneous Ripley’s K function was used to study the local patterns. It was verified that the species clusters were localized in the highest areas of the sampled region, possibly in better drained soils. Furthermore, attraction was found amongst the specie's individuals, originating clusters in the largest scales analyzed, as shown by the non-homogeneous Ripley’s K function.


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How to Cite

Pottker, G. S., de Oliveira Filho, P. C., Figueiredo Filho, A., & Dalmaso, C. A. (2016). SPATIAL PATTERN OF FOREST SPECIES: CASE STUDY WITH <i>Ocotea odorifera</i> (Vell.) Rohwer. Ciência Florestal, 26(4), 1097–1106.




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