
  • Jeferson Klein
  • Leandro Rampim
  • Débora Kestring
  • Vandeir Francisco Guimarães
  • João Domingos Rodrigues



Stomatal conductance, transpiration, CO2 assimilation, water use efficiency.


The utilization of physical protectors has been considered an efficient technique for direct sowing of different species, mainly native ones. Based on the importance of the species Peltophorum dubium for revegetation of degraded areas, tree planting and landscaping, this study evaluated gas exchanges in canafistula seedlings under the influence of physical protectors subjected to different luminosity rates. The experiment was carried out in pots Latossolo Vermelho Distroférrico, a typical soil of the study region. Seedlings of Peltophorum dubium  were evaluated at 30, 50, 70, 90, 110, and 130 days after sowing (DAS). Thus, the following treatments were adopted: T1, absence of physical protector (APP); T2, transparent physical protector (TPP); T3, transparent physical protector + blue cellophane (BPP) and T4, transparent physical protector + red cellophane (RPP). The evaluated characteristics were: stomatal conductance, transpiration, CO2 assimilation, CO2 concentration inside the substomatal chamber and water use efficiency. In general, all types of physical protectors led to higher mean values of gas exchanges during their permanence in the sowing site until 70 DAS, except for CO2 assimilation. However, water use efficiency was higher in APP seedlings at the same period.


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How to Cite

Klein, J., Rampim, L., Kestring, D., Guimarães, V. F., & Rodrigues, J. D. (2016). INFLUENCE OF COLORED PHYSICAL PROTECTORS ON GAS EXCHANGES OF CANAFISTULA [<i>Peltophorum dubium </i>(Spreng.) Taub.] SEEDLINGS. Ciência Florestal, 26(3), 797–809.




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