
  • Fabiano Emmert
  • Reginaldo Sérgio Pereira



geotechnical soil characterization, soils classification, forest roads.


Aiming at the adequate ground use in forest roads, the study it had as objective to characterize geotechnical e and to classify types of local ground, identifying the job adjusted in road infrastructures. The study it was carried through in forest areas in the city of Niquelândia, Goiás. Ground had been collected fine and to granulate predominant, called SL and HA, respectively. The ground had been submitted appropriate the Geotechnicals assays for road workmanships, identifying to the pertaining groups in accordance with the methodologies of classification TRB and MCT. The results demonstrate respectively that ground SL, with predominant fine sand fraction, possesses low plasticity and belongs there to the groups A-4(1) and LA', according to TRB and MCT. The supported tension reached 385,10 kPa in the biggest energy of compacting. The support capacity was bigger in the energy of intermediate compacting. Alone it granular HA, the predominant fraction were of fine pebble and its framing in group TRB was A-1-b. According to methodology MCT, soil SL is material with priority for base and subgrade of roads. The behavior waited for ground SL satisfactory as material is used in the subgrade and the HA, excellent, according to classification TRB. The capacity of ground SL and HA indicates respectively that they must be used as reinforcement of subgrade and base. In forest roads, ground SL can be used as subgrade and HA as base or primary covering. 


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