seeds, seedlings, growth, substract.Abstract
The species Luehea divaricata Mart. & Zucc., from the Malvaceae family, has its wood used mainly in the manufacturing of curved furniture. Due to the wood quality interest, it is observed, as main result, the species deforestation. The purpose of this study was evaluate the growth of Luehea divaricata seedlings coming from seeds in four substrates. Four seeds were put in the tested substracts: Plant Max®, black peat (mineralized), carbonizated rice hulls and Mec Plant®. After 25 days, the seedlings were transplanted inside each treatment and, after 50 days, the seedlings were pruned. It was used the completely randomized experimental, the data underwent the variety analysis, and the averages were compared to Duncan’s Test. The following parameters were considered: the percentage of seeds germination, dry weights of the root (g), dry weights of the stem (g), the stem diameter (cm), the height of stem (cm) and number of leaves. The cultivated plants in the Plant Max® substract showed four times more root dry mass and aerial part on the 180 th day. Black peat and carbonizated rice hulls were less effective in the growing of the seedlings in the all analyzed parameters. The propagation of Luehea divaricata from seeds is technically viable, it is one alternative for seedlings production of the species and the substract Plant Max® and Mec Plant® was the best growth.
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