Above ground biomass, nutrient export, soil chemical characteristics, soil classes.Abstract
Black wattles can grow on several environmental conditions being a fast growing and short life pioneer specie. This work was established on Acacia mearnsii De Wild commercial plantations, belonging to TANAGRO Co., in Piratini, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, growing on different soil types, with plants from the same origin. In each of the five-soil type, a treatment to evaluate black wattle growth in DBH and height, and above ground biomass was considered. Soils had their surface horizons characterized morphological, chemical and physically, and nutritional status were measured in every plant compartment, tannin yield in plant bark, amount of lignin and total extractives were determined in commercial stem wood. Neossolo Litólico eutrófico (Entisol) showed the greatest commercial stem volumes and Neossolo Litólico álico (Entisol) was the least productive, especially due to soil fertility differences, mainly P level, base saturation and aluminum saturation. The amount of macronutrients returned, keeping harvesting residues (branches and crown) on soil surface, was greater than the amount exported in commercial stem and bark, attesting its efficiency on soil reclaiming, if the residues are not burned. In most productive soils in volume of commercial stems, the amount of calcium and magnesium exported was greater than the amount returned to soil. The amount of tannin in black wattle bark was greater in plants growing in adverse soil conditions (shallow and stony soils).
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