Pinus, diameter at breast height, volume, taper.Abstract
In an experiment with 3 stand densities and 12 prune treatments there were analyzed the effects of stand density, prune and interaction between them on the yield of a Pinus taeda L. plantation. The stand variables analyzed were diameter at breast height (DBH), stem volume, volume per hectare, height, basal area, diameter over stubs (DMSM), Girard form coefficient (CFG), diameter of branch (DRBC) and branche’s angle (ARBC) at crown base. In the treatments with high density there were observed higher volume per hectare, basal area, CFG and lower DBH, stem volume, DMSM, DRBC and ARBC. In the treatments with lower prune height there were observed higher DBH, stem volume, volume per hectare, basal area than the treatments with larger prune height. Lower DMSM was observed with final prune height of 3,30 m and 4,40 m made at the age of 4 year. Higher DMSM were observed with final prune height of 5,5 and 6,6 m made at the age of 5 year. No statiscaly significant effects were found of the prune treatments over DRBC, ARBC and CFG or interaction between stand density and prune height. The density and prune yield effects were independent from each other.
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