
  • Jean Gabriel da Silva Medeiros UFSM
  • Juarez Martins Hoppe




Populus deltoides, shoot cuttings, liming.


This work intended to study the behavior of Populus deltoides regarding its development when submitted to different doses of lime. The research was carried out in the Silviculture Tecnology Center, at Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria - RS. The experiment was constituted by forty eight (48) experimental units completely randomized, with six (06) treatments and eight repetitions (08). Each experimental unit was constituted by a vase of three liters containing only one shoot cutting of Populus deltoides. The treatments were constituted by five different doses (T2: 7 tons of lime/ha; T3: 14 tons of lime/ha; T4: 21 tons of lime/ha; T5: 29 tons of lime/ha; T6: 38 tons of lime/ha) plus the testimony, determined with base in the soil analysis used in the experiment. The plants were evaluated, after 120 days of the plantation date, considering its growth in height, its diameter of the neck and its weigh dry of the aerial part. The best average were reached by the treatments without lime and with seven tons of lime for ha in all the parameters observed. The other treatments presented inferior averages, which do not possess significant difference to each other at the level of 5%, for all the observed parameters.


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How to Cite

Medeiros, J. G. da S., & Hoppe, J. M. (2005). EFFECT OF LIME APPLICATION IN SHOOT CUTTINGS OF Populus deltoides Bartr. ex Marsh IN SOIL POTS. Ciência Florestal, 12(2), 161–167. https://doi.org/10.5902/198050981691



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