Estimation of the offer of forest biomass in populations of <i>Pinus taeda</i> L. after cultural interventions
Forest quantification, Multiple use of forests, Post-harvest residuesAbstract
Along with the determination of how much of forest biomass is generated after the cultural interventions, it is possible to define areas that can be exploited. Thus, the objective of this work was to quantify and estimate the biomass supply of Pinus taeda L. available after cultural interventions. The experiment was carried out in populations in the cities of Paraná and Santa Catarina states, with ages of 3 years (first pruning), 5 years (second pruning), 7 years (third pruning), 11 years (first thinning), 19 years (second thinning), 23 and 33 years (harvesting). For each age, 10 trees were sampled and the components of the leaves, twigs, canopy and bark were quantified. After harvesting at 23 years old there was greater availability of individual biomass (372.6 kg. tree-1) and per unit area (144.4 t.ha-1), being composed mainly of twigs (69.3%), followed by leaves (17.9%), bark (11.0%) and canopy (1.8%) per unit area. The correlation between the mass of the components of the biomass per tree and the independent variables was significant and higher to 0.52. The lower correlation was observed between these and the mass of canopy. The regression models selected to estimate the mass of biomass from the independent variables had R²adju higher than 83%, low standard deviations and low coefficients of variation.Downloads
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