EVALUATION OF ADHESIVES BASED ON TANNINS FROM <i>Pinus caribaea</i> var. <i>bahamensis</i> AND <i>Acacia mearnsii</i> IN THE MANUFACTURE OF PARTICLEBOARD


  • Amélia Guimarães Carvalho
  • Roberto Carlos Costa Lelis
  • Alexandre Miguel do Nascimento




polyphenols, extractives, gluing, medium density particleboards



This work aimed to evaluate the methods for extraction of tannin from the bark of Pinus caribaea var. bahamensis, as well as to evaluate the technical feasibility of using tannins from the barks of Pinus caribaea var. bahamensis, of Acacia mearnsii, the mixtures of black wattle and pine tannins and the mixture of adhesive urea formaldehyde (UF) with black wattle and pine tannins in the production of adhesives for particleboard. The barks of Pinus caribaea var. bahamensis were fragmented in hammer mill, sieved and extracted under reflux for 2 hours, using a bark: liquor relation of 1:15, in nine treatments. The best extraction was used to obtain large quantities of extracts, which were used in the manufacture of adhesives and mixtures with UF adhesive and tannins of black wattle and the manufacture of particleboard. The addition of sodium sulfite gave higher extraction of tannin, which was extracted with the addition of 5% sodium sulfite. The results showed that both the black wattle tannin, as the bark of Pinus caribaea var. bahamensis have good bonding properties. It is possible to add pine tannin solution to the solution of black wattle and to replace part of the UF adhesive for the wattle tannins up to 25%, without compromising the glue quality. Replacing 10% of UF for tannic extract, both pine and black wattle, did not alter the values of thickness swelling (TS) of the panels. It is possible to obtain good mechanical properties with UF adhesives modified with tannic extracts at a ratio of 10%. The high values found for the internal bond (IB) panels containing tannin extracts showed the potential of these tannic extracts for bonding wood materials.




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How to Cite

Carvalho, A. G., Lelis, R. C. C., & Nascimento, A. M. do. (2014). EVALUATION OF ADHESIVES BASED ON TANNINS FROM <i>Pinus caribaea</i> var. <i>bahamensis</i> AND <i>Acacia mearnsii</i> IN THE MANUFACTURE OF PARTICLEBOARD. Ciência Florestal, 24(2), 479–489. https://doi.org/10.5902/1980509814588




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