BIOMASS AND ACCUMULATION OF NUTRIENTS IN <i>Ilex paraguariensis</i> A. St. Hil.
brightness, cultivation systems, yerba mateAbstract
They are still few the information on the influence of the brightness in the production of biomass as well as in the concentration of some nutritious in leaves of Ilex paraguariensis. This work aimed to evaluate the production of dry matter of the aerial part of the Ilex paraguariensis A. St. Hil. (branches and leaves) and the concentration of nitrogen, potassium, magnesium and iron in leaves produced in two systems of cultivations, intercropping with Pinus elliottii Engel. and single, along the seasons in the municipality of FredericoWestphalen, Rio Grande do Sul state. The results showed that the production of biomass of the Ilex paraguariensis (leaves + branches) is larger in the single cultivation when compared to the intercropping. However, when comparing the two cropping systems with respect to phosphorus, but especially calcium and magnesium, there was a small variation for different periods of the year, which indicates a more constant metabolic activity of the plant yerba mate in a more shaded condition, which makes it an important factor in the final quality of the product.
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