
  • Rafaella de Angeli Curto Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS
  • Gilson Fernandes da Silva
  • José Eduardo Macedo Pezzopane
  • José Franklim Chichorro
  • Rômulo Môra



total height, successional classification, tree layers strata.


This study was conducted in a semideciduous forest fragment of 52 hectares, known as Rosal Forest, in themunicipality of Guaçuí, Espírito Santo state. It had the objective to test vertical stratification methodologies,evaluating the appropriateness of these methodologies based on the ecological successional classificationof the species. To do so, the method of sampling fixed area was used, and distributed 16 plots of 600 m²,in a systematic way. All individuals with DBH ≥ 5 cm, had their total height measures directly. The treeswent through the botanical classification identification process and had their classifications in accordancewith their ecological groups. The analysis of the tree vertical structure was made by the distribution of the number of trees in the strata, using four methods: Method 1 - Souza (1990), Method 2 - Souza et al. (2003),Method 3 - IUFRO, and Method 4 - Calegário et al. (1994). The classification results were compared tothe successional classification of species, according to the ecologic groups that they belong to. The method1 did not allow a detailed analysis about the behavior of stratum II species, because of the strong tendenciesto concentrate a greater number of individuals in this stratum, already the Method 2 has allowed a greaterdetail. The Method 3 minimized the problem encountered in Method 1, but the dominant height change ofthe sample can change the whole discussion, demonstrating the method weakness. Method 4 did not bringgood results for the forest stratification under study, because this method only divided in two height strata.


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How to Cite

Curto, R. de A., Silva, G. F. da, Pezzopane, J. E. M., Chichorro, J. F., & Môra, R. (2013). METHODS OF VERTICAL STRATIFICATION IN SEMIDECIDUOUS SEASONAL FOREST. Ciência Florestal, 23(4), 643–654.




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