Phenology of Aloysia hatschbachii cultivated in a subtropical region
Aromatic plant, Budding, PhenopasesAbstract
Aloysia hatschbachii is an endangered species that occurs endemically in Paraná and has potential for essential oil production. Expanding research on threatened species could serve as a tool to ensure their conservation, management and reproduction. In this study, we sought to evaluate phenological phases (phenophases) for species Aloysia hatschbachii in the years 2018 and 2019 by conducting monthly checks of a plant population consisting of 5 individuals, identifying the phenological events of budding, mature leaves, flowering, fruiting, leaf senescence and leaf fall, using the percent index of intensity as well as the index of activity in the sampled individuals regarding the occurrence of such phenomena, and then correlating phenological data with meteorological variables. The phenological phases showed synchrony in activity throughout most of the assessed period, but were not always synchronous in intensity. Budding occurred between July and April, and mature leaves were present all year round. The patterns of leaf senescence and leaf fall revealed that the species has nondeciduous characteristics. These phenophases were influenced by relative air humidity. Flowering occurred between November and April, while fruiting lasted from December to May, with the reproductive stage being influenced by air temperature and by incident solar radiation.
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