Influence of constructive profiles on the generation of construction waste in construction in the Northeast
Resíduos da construção civil. Indicadores de sustentabilidade. Gestão de obrasAbstract
The construction sector is one of the main modifiers of the environment, since in its activities there is, essentially, the exploitation of natural resources, generating a large amount of waste. The objective of this research was to evaluate the influence of management parameters (term, contracting and costs) and constructive parameters (building standard, type of foundation and type of masonry) in the generation of construction waste. The methodology consisted of the following steps: definition of the parameters to be analyzed for the generation of waste in 15 works; data collection and processing and, finally, data dispersion analysis through the boxplot. The class was predominant A waste, 89.2% of the total generated; among class B waste, gypsum is more prominent, with 55% of the waste generated; in class C the mixed materials are predominant, with 64%. Regarding the analyzed parameters, the ones that contributed the most to the generation of civil construction waste (CCW) were: high work pattern (48%); incorporation hiring regime (58%); intermediate execution time between 36 and 45 months (49%); the foundation of the shoe type (36%); sealing masonry with ceramic blocks in the peripheries and gypsum blocks internally (58%).
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- 2020-06-29 (1)
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